Basic Import Information and Requirements
The minimum requirements to get your products onto the FurnitureDealer.Net platform.
Required Fields
Model Number
Collection Name (if relevant)
Image URL

Additional Fields
Additional fields such as design style, features, or construction details are encouraged. Including more information in the file will result in better website product presentations. You are encouraged to include all information you have, even if you do not see a column for it in the template or list below.
Examples of Additional Fields include:
Design Style
Romance Copy
Construction Details
Shipping Weight
Box Dimensions
Pricing (Wholesale, MAP, MSRP)
Collection Romance Copy
Country of Origin
File Types
Data File Format
.xlsx and .csv are the preferred file types. PDF, PowerPoint, and Word docs files are not able to be imported.
Image File Format
.jpg and .png are the preferred file types for images. URLs to image links is the ideal
3D File Format
.glb files are the preferred file type for 3D images.
File Layout
Each row represents one product
Products with components need to be represented in their own row. For example, a table that is comprised of a base and top, needs to have a row and model number identifying the complete table.
Each column represents the same information for each product
Common Problems
Spreadsheet formatted for print
Columns with inconsistent purpose
Information spread across multiple tabs
Merged cells
Extra images, logos, and information included that are not relevant to the product in the row
Not including all products in a line-up. We use our data tools to discontinue products that are not included in the file. If products are missing from a file, they may be incorrectly discontinued. This also includes component products. If a file does not have components in their own separate row, they will not be identified and will be discontinued.